What Should Your Child Know About Bangladesh?
Have you ever wondered what your child needs to know about Bangladesh? The answer to this question may be known to many, but have you ever wondered exactly how much your child learns from abroad or how much you can tell them? Let’s find out.
A country is a nation with thousands of years of history, culture, language, and specific behaviors, which brings each country and nation to the forefront of the world in a unique way. When we want to know a country, we first learn about its national flag, language, animals, birds, clothing, food, and religion. Although some ideas about the country can be obtained from these issues, the overall issues remain unknown. Let’s find out what our kids should know about this 1,47,570-square-kilometer country.

Seventh Most Widely Used Language
The state language of Bangladesh is Bengali, which is known as the sweetest language in the world. Did you know about it? About 228 million people speak Bengali, and about 36 million people have adopted it as their second spoken language. Not only that, Bengali is the only language in the world for which one has to sacrifice their life. In honor of this event, UNESCO declared February 21 as the International Mother Language Day in 1999. On this day, besides remembering the mother tongue of every country in the world, the whole world also remembers the Bengali language with respect.

The nationality of the people of this country with a population of about 22 crores is Bengali. Although the state religion is Islam, people of various faiths, including Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians, live here peacefully. The colors of the national flag of this country are red and green, and the national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. Our national animals are Royal Bengal Tiger, National Bird Doel, Flower Shapla, and National Fruit Jackfruit. The currency of this country is known as Taka. Rice and fish are the leading food of the people of this country. The national dress is for women – the sari, men – dhoti and lungi.

The Country of Three Million Martyrs
The real struggle of this country and nation started with the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947. It was achieved through the language movement in 1952 and the nine-month brutal war in 1971. Bangladesh is known by its own name in the heart of the world as an independent and sovereign country. For nine months, this difficult liberation battle is known as the war of liberation, where about three million people were martyred. One of which was led by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He is also known as the father of the nation. This history is our pride.

Country of Eight Hundred Rivers
As Bangladesh is a downstream country, many rivers flow through this country and merge into the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is our country of about seven hundred rivers, big and small. As a result, no matter where you go in the country, you will see a river everywhere.

Country of Six Seasons
Forests, waterfalls, seas, mountains, etc., are our small country with natural beauty. In most of the world’s countries, there are four seasons in a year, but Bangladesh has six beautiful seasons. In each season, nature decorates itself in one color and color. Being a country of tropical climate and fertile soil, it is a haven for almost all juicy fruits. In six seasons, the people of this country get involved in various traditional festivals, among which Baishakhi festival, Nabanna festival, and Pitha festival are well known.

The Longest Beach and Mangrove Forest
Did you know that the world’s longest saltwater forest or mangrove forest is located in Bangladesh? There are three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country, one of which is the Sundarbans. About 10,000 km of Huge forests and livestock throughout the area. The world-famous Royal Bengal Tiger lives in this beautiful forest. Not only that, Bangladesh’s position is unique in the world for the longest beach in the world (Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach). The only coral island in the country, Saint Martin’s Island, is located in Cox’s Bazar.

Tradition and Culture
This diverse country has a history of thousands of years. The people of this country are busy with various religious festivals and various seasonal festivals throughout the year. That is why it is also called the country of the “Thirteenth Festival in Twelve Months.” Bangladesh, the birthplace of many poets and writers from all over the world, is also very rich in literature. Folk songs, books, rhymes, ballads, prose literature, tribal dances, Jari-Sari, Vatiali, Baul songs, etc., are indicative of this country’s rich literature and tradition. Bengali literature is constantly being researched, translated, and read in various languages worldwide, which indicates the strong position of Bengali language and literature in world literature.

Bangladesh is as beautiful as it is simple and easy – it is easy for people to live and use here. This practice exists wherever you go in the country. In this country, there is a custom that the guest who comes to the house is not allowed to go without a one-time reception. That means you go to the homes of people of any religion and profession.
The position, heritage, and history of a country carry the glorious identity of that country in the world court. Bangladesh is no exception. The world appreciates Bangladesh as a brave and history rich nation, which has wonderful natural beauty as well as sweet language and pure people. So why not become a part of it by introducing your child to this sweet language and culture?